It was a giant canvas stretching party! :)
I have been working on stretching the canvases for my upcoming painting commission ... overall it will be 6' H x 15' W. So excited & grateful to have the opportunity to paint on such a large scale!
I have been working on stretching the canvases for my upcoming painting commission ... overall it will be 6' H x 15' W. So excited & grateful to have the opportunity to paint on such a large scale!
I have been working with the doors open as much as I can. We have had unusually warm & sunny weather here in Arkansas and I'm trying to breathe it all in before winter sets in.
(Sorry to mention lovely weather when you all on the East Coast took such a hit last week. My family is originally from New York and Connecticut...part of my history & memories are there...sending positive thoughts & prayers your way.)
Here are some pics of the stretching process...