
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Heading to Sunny Florida!

Okay, I confess.  I am not actually heading to sunny Florida, but this little 
framed print is!   

Little Print, Big Painting!      Heidi Carlsen-Rogers

Heidi Carlsen-Rogers - ETSY

Enjoy the weekend. :)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

New Paintings

A series of small 12"x12" paintings on canvas that were photographed 
over the weekend.  They are studies for a new series I am thinking 
about doing...called Weightless.

It might be a while before I actually get around to starting a new series as my 
commission piece is at the top of my to-do list right now.

Heidi Carlsen-Rogers
Heidi Carlsen-Rogers

Heidi Carlsen-Rogers
Heidi Carlsen-Rogers
These are posted on my website at if you want to 
swing by to take a look.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Painting Commission in Progress: Carving with Paint

In the last update, I shared some photos where I was covering the entire canvas with color.  The next step in my process is carving out shapes from that field of color.  This is still just a beginning stage in my process, but it shows how the initial composition starts to come together.

Here is what was happening mid-day in the studio:


At the end of the day, I dragged a panel in to look at it in better light.  I stood one of 
my 36" x48"paintings to the right of the panel to show the difference in scale. 

It makes that other canvas look like a miniature painting!  

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spiders in the Studio! :(

Is anyone else completely terrified of spiders?  I know this is irrational and that spiders are beneficial bugs in nature, BUT, I almost injured myself today trying to run away from the giant spider that same rushing into my painting studio mid-morning.

Yes, I did step (or stomp really) on it eventually, but only after I tried to chase him back outside with my water bottle.  The poor thing was running towards freedom, when it turned and ran back towards full blast.  I panicked and the results are below.

I was itchy and looking over my shoulder all day after my uninvited guest came to visit.

Pros of working with the doors open: fresh air and sunshine.

Cons:  see above.

Painting is a dangerous business people! 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Painting Commission in Progress (Step 3): More Painting!

As you might have guessed, we are going to be stuck on Step 3 for a while!  

Here are a few more pictures from the second day of painting.  I am laying down
more washes of color before I go back in to "carve out" the shapes.

And of course Delta, my trusty studio companion is hanging out to make 
sure I don't fall off the ladder!  :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Painting Commission In Progress (Step 3): Start Painting!

This project has really been going on since last summer, so when it was finally time to actually paint, it was a huge milestone.  These are pictures from Day 1 Painting.  (I am further ahead on the painting than what is shown here, but am hoping my posting will catch up to my painting!)

This is how a painting starts...laying down big fields of paint.  This is the VERY BEST part of the painting process for me.  Pure pigment is just stunning when it hits a white canvas and there is such a feeling of creative hopefulness and excitement in a new beginning.  Happiness.  :)

Early in the day:

Later in the afternoon:

(I climbed up on a ladder to get this shot.)  Remember this baby is 15 feet takes a lot of muscle and a boat load of paint to just start the underpainting!   (So glad that I work out with Jillian Michaels...she keeps me fierce enough to haul these 50 lb. canvases around.  Ha Ha.)